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Video Game T-Shirts for Old School Gamers

Are you a gamer for life? Do you love old school video games and consoles? If you’re looking for a new, favorite video game t-shirt, you’re in the right place. Whatever your game is, we have it on a gaming t-shirt so you can get in the zone while you play. We guarantee the comfort and quality you will experience while wearing your video game shirt, whether you win or not.

The first video game was created in 1940. The video game was nothing like the video games today. The video game was a computerized video game. The first arcade video game was Pong. Pong was a huge success created by Atari in 1972. Atari set the stage for all video games today.

The top Atari video games include space invaders, centipede, and asteroids. If you ever played space invaders, then you remember the aliens slowly inching down the television screen, and you, the player had to shoot the aliens before they reached you, or you died. Asteroids took the game to another level. Players had to kill the asteroids. Remember going to the local skating rink or pizza place and sticking quarters for hours playing these video games?

Candy Land was one of the first board games, then later a video game. Candy Land was designed in 1945 and released by Milton Bradley Company. Every child has at one time played the original Candy Land game. The board game featured the winding linear track with colored spaces of red, green, blue, orange, yellow and purple. The player would draw a card, then move to the next color that was on the card. The object of the game was to reach Candy Castle. The game was colorful, fun, and everyone loved playing it. It was soon introduced as a video game that offered the same features and goals.

Operation was one of the best board games, then video games. You could play the game by yourself, but it was best when playing with two or more people. Operation was made in 1965 by Milton Bradley. The game was an operating table with a comic, cartoon patient that was named, “Cavity Sam”. Cavity Sam had a red large light bulb for his nose. All over the patient’s body was holes that represented ailments, and players had to remove the ailments with a tweezers. If the tweezers touched the side, then the nose would light up, and buzz. Some of the pieces were difficult to get out, so you tried to get the easy ones out first. Remember the funny bone was a favorite piece to try first or the broken heart? Operation was a game that never got boring.

Angry Birds video game was released in 2009 for Apple, then Android and all PC’s was introduced. Angry Birds players would use a slingshot to launch birds at pigs. The players would try to destroy all the pigs. The Angry Birds video game became a huge hit with Angry Birds players becoming addicted to the game.

If you are a gamer, then you can appreciate the Video Game T-shirts. The Candy Land, Operation and Atari vintage Video Game tee shirts are popular choices for die hard gamers. Wearing the Angry Birds Video Game t-shirt will let your friends and family know you are a true Angry Birds game player. There is a lot of video game tee shirts to choose from for all types of video game players.

Video game tees include, but are not limited to, <ahref="">Galaga, Space Invaders, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Dragon's Lair. You can get a gaming shirt with simply the name of the game, or even better, the name of your favorite character. Our shirts are affordable on even the tightest budget so the next time you need to buy a gift, get extras for friends with their favorite characters on them and you'll be the crowd favorite.